In 2015, Ryan began conversations with Iowa printmaker John Kaericher about doing a paired solo exhibit with John’s mentor David Driesbach. Following the exhibit in the spring of 2017, through a faculty research grant, Ryan and Hannah Streccius began editioning some of John’s prints unfinished prints. During this time, John’s health rapidly declined from a prolonged battle with cancer. We were able to complete prints, with a fourth finished the day before his death in June of 2017. Sadly, this last print was left unsigned. Kaericher’s work bore significant influence from his mentors Driesbach and the great Mauricio Lasansky. His work was often visually dark, with deep and aggressive line. Yet, in other works, he exhibited the delicacy of drawing of his mentor Lasansky.
The three prints completed are JC OC WC, Casbah, and Society are all signed, but uneditioned.
The three prints completed are JC OC WC, Casbah, and Society are all signed, but uneditioned.